February 2016
February 24, 2016
You must have heard the word fluoride mentioned somewhere, whether it’s from your dentist or on your toothpaste. Ever wondered what fluoride is and how it works to protect your teeth?
Fluoride is a chemical ion of fluorine, the element with the atomic number 9. When fluorine becomes a negatively charged atom a fluoride ion is born. So how does fluoride protect our teeth?
The enamel, the hard outer covering of a tooth, is made of closely packed mineral crystals. Bacteria that are feeding on sugars and carbohydrates in the mouth produce acid, dissolving the crystals in the enamel. To strengthen the enamel from losing minerals, calcium and phosphate in the saliva and fluoride replenishes the minerals and strengthens the teeth!
February 19, 2016
Our evolving diets since the pre-Twinkie era has affected the dental health of the modern human population compared to early humans and close relatives. “There are almost no examples of Neanderthal cavities. Paleolithic and Mesolithic human skulls are almost devoid of cavities,” Juan Enriquez and Steven Gullans mentioned in their book Evolving Ourselves.
Because of the transitions in our diets to cooked and clean foodstuffs, the bacterial colonies in our mouths became less diverse. Bacteria that coexisted with hunter-gatherers several thousand years ago became crowded out and replaced by nastier bacteria. Additionally, including more processed sugar in our diets also created a more suitable environment for cavities.
The changes in diet not only affected our dental health, but also the weight of the human population. “The average U.S. male increased his weight from 166 pounds in 1962 to 191 pounds by 2002.”
Further information on the topic of the evolving human population can be found in Juan Enriquez and Steven Gullans book, Evolving Ourselves: How Unnatural Selection and Nonrandom Mutation are Changing Life on Earth.
February 15, 2016
Mondays are always hard to get through. The day seems to drag on forever. But we are here to provide a moment of relaxation and bring a smile to your face. Check our our new Facebook series, Monday Mood Changer for some comic relief every Monday!
Be sure to also like us on Facebook for more fun facts and important information.
February 12, 2016
The holiday to show your love is almost here. How will you to celebrating it?
“According to the National Retail Federation’s Valentine’s Day Consumer Spending Survey conducted for 2016, 54.8% of consumers will celebrate by spending an average of $146.84 on flowers, jewelry, candy, apparel and more.”
About 38% of consumers plan to treat their dates at a restaurant, a show or other kinds of experience, totaling to $4.5 billion in spending.
Additionally, 50% of consumers surveyed plan to buy candy, totaling a spending of $1.7 billion. Around 40 million heart-shaped boxes of chocolate and other chocolate items will be sold for the holiday, most preferably in red and pink, according to the National Confectioners Association.
- the full report from the National Retail Federation’s Consumer Spending Survey
- Valentine’s Day fun facts and history from the National Confectioners Association
February 5, 2016
Flossing is an essential part of taking care of your teeth and gums. The ADA recommends flossing at least once a day to clean away plaque and prevent gum disease and cavities.
So, what’s the best time to floss? Before or after brushing?