January 2016
January 29, 2016
Sharing a toothbrush results in an exchange of body fluids and microorganisms. Your body is not prepared to fight someone else’s germs. Use your own brush and avoid increasing your risk of infections.
Now that we’ve covered the ways that you may have been brushing incorrectly, be sure to brush at least twice a day the right way!
Check back next week for more interesting facts and helpful information. Be sure to also check our Facebook page.
January 27, 2016
Continuing from last week, wondering what other ways you could have brushed wrongly?
The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends holding the surface of the toothbrush bristles at a 45-degree angle to the front of your teeth. Brush in in small circles or in small strokes on all surfaces.
Look at yourself in the mirror rather than checking your phone or wandering around the house while you are brushing. Dedicating your attention to just brushing helps in making sure that you’ve reached all of your teeth all the way up to the gum line. Distractions can easily cause you to gloss over some teeth.
The ADA suggests brushing for at least two minutes. An easy trick is to dedicate at least 30 seconds to each of the four quadrants of your teeth: upper left, upper right, lower left and lower right. You can check the clock—or invest in a powered toothbrush with a timer.
Come back this Friday to check out more!
January 22, 2016
One of the most effective ways to protect your teeth is brushing. You may have mastered the task perfectly given that you’ve practiced it for many years, at least twice a day! But here may be ways that you’ve brushed your teeth incorrectly.
Are you using a toothbrush that says “Soft” or “Extra Soft” on the package? If not, then it’s probably the wrong toothbrush for you. Hard bristles can weaken the enamel. Additionally, the head of the brush should be small enough to reach every single teeth.
Brushing your teeth too hard can do more damage to your tooth enamel and even hurt your gums. Having a toothbrush with an angled handle can help ease the pressure on your teeth if you can’t control your strength when brushing.
A tight grip on your toothbrush would make it more likely for you to brush in a manner that can wear away your enamel. Find a brush with a handle that is easy to hold with a light grip.
There’s more to come, so be sure to check back with us next week!
January 15, 2016
Sleep and exercise are proven stress relievers and help promote health. But, over 90 million Americans don’t get a good night’s sleep, and many find difficulty developing daily exercise routines. People are constantly seeking new products and looking for more ways to become energized. Many athletes, weekend warriors, business people and homemakers have turned to various energy boosters, including very popular and highly promoted sport and energy drinks like Amp and Red Bull. J. Anthony von Frauhofer, PhD, the chief researcher of a study done at the University of Maryland Dental School, suggests some precaution when using these drinks.
The researchers immersed pieces of human enamel [outside covering of the tooth and the hardest substance in the body] in 13 popular beverages. The study found that non-cola soft drinks, energy/sports drinks, and commercial lemonade “showed the most aggressive dissolution effect on dental enamel,” and in fact, were up to 11 times more erosive than cola. High levels of some additives, such as citric acid, caused the disintegration of the teeth. Frauhofer advised that people do not sit and sip these drinks for a long time and that you should follow-up the energy drink with some water to help rinse away the potentially damaging acids.